Hello I'm Lemon

I'm a multidisciplinary designer with 12+ years of experience in branding, UI/UX, and multimedia design for tech-based products. I thrive in fast-paced and agile environments and am always seeking opportunities to grow professionally and work on advocacy-driven projects.

Currently, I work at PayMongo as a Creative Design Head, leading the creative team responsible for providing all the visual designs for PayMongo, including brand identity, collaterals, videos, website, product assets and more.

I love outdoor activities & I'm a certified plantito

As a creative person, I enjoy going to mountains and beaches to find inspiration in nature. I also love to travel and immerse myself in different culture.

During the pandemic, I discovered that I have a green thumb and I'm able to grow plants indoor. It has been relaxing and has given me peace of mind during this time. I started with just one plant and now have over 100+ house plants, with a dedicated area for them in our house.

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Our Values

My core values that drive everything I do



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Team work

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Get in touch today

Have a fresh idea? Let's bring it to life.